Confused? Let me explain... We're currently in lockdown or quarantine or whatever your area is calling it. The one thing that has kept me sane in all this is my daily…

Why My Dog is the Biggest A**hole
I know you all love a great story about my pain-in-the-butt German Shepherd, Colt. In the past I've regaled you with tales of him eating the siding off the house,…

We Have to Talk About Perry…(Perimenopause that is)
I’ve decided to start talking about some uncomfortable subjects I'm not going to beat around the bush here. Which of course is kind of punny considering we’re talking about…erm…never mind.…

“What’s for dinner?” or the three most painful words in the English language
I'm pretty sure those are the three words that I dread hearing the most in my life. Or at least, in my life as an adult. As a mom. See,…